Athaliah on the Throne (2 Kgs 11 = 4 Reg 11)
Considerations on the Source-Problems in Early Latin History of Interpretation
2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Ataliah, Jehoiada, History of Interpretation, Jerome, Vetus Latina, Theodoret of Cyrus, Flavius JosephusAbstract
The interest of this paper lies on the reciprocal role of the Vulgate, the history of interpretation and the influence they have on each other. The narrative of 2 Kgs 11 experiences little reception in the first millennium, which is why the Vulgate becomes extraordinarily important as a complete and interpretative translation. At the same time, this small study explores the question, as to what extent the history of interpretation can help to situate the Vulgate in textual and interpretive traditions (ante and post).