Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.Author Guidelines
The deadline for the submission of articles is the 30th of April. After the double blind peer-review process by 1st of July at the latest the editors decide if the article is accepted for publication. The authors will be informed about this decision and they are also notified if revision of the article is necessary. Upon successful completion of these procedures, the article will be published in the current issue of the journal in September.
Title, language and scope of the article
All articles submitted should have descriptive titles, a short abstract and the central keywords of the content.
It`s recommended to keep items as short as possible. In order not to limit the variety of topics and the scope of the scientific work, the length of the article is up to the author. The total amount of the text (including abstract, keywords and footnotes) should not exeed 50.`000 characters (including spaces).
English is the recommended language for the articles submitted. If the contribution is written in another international language title, abstract and keywords should be translated into English.
Author information
At the beginning of the article the name of the author is mentioned.
A footnote following the author’s name must specify his or her academic designation and full contact information (mailing address, including the country and/or e-mail address). The GND and ORCID Numbers, if available, should also be mentioned in this footnote.
Link to check the GND Number
Link to check or register the ORCID Number
Text formatting
The text formatting should be as simple as possible. Please use the default page format, font and paragraph styles of your word processor (e.g. MS Word, Open Office Writer etc.). Please do not manually modify fonts or other properties, avoid using TAB, underlining and bold, and use Italics instead for emphasis.
For texts using non-latin alphabets, please use unicode fonts. If not possible, please provide the font together with the article.
Bibliographic references
Cited references should provide complete bibliographic information. The titles of journals, series, dictionaries should be abbreviated according to Schwertner, Siegfried M., IATG3. Internationales Abkürzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebiete. Zeitschriften, Serien, Lexika, Quellenwerke mit bibliographischen Angaben, W. de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston ³2014.
Citation examples (for the first citation):
Plater, William Edward, A Grammar of the Vulgate Being an Introduction to the Study of the Latinity of the Vulgate Bible, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1926, 11-12.
Book belonging to a series:
Schürmann, Heinz, Das Lukasevangelium (HThKNT 3), Herder, Freiburg 1969, 33-34.
Journal articles:
Gilson, Étienne, „Pourquoi saint Thomas a critiqué saint Augustin“, AHDLMA 1 (1926) 5-127, here 54.
Chapter of an edited book:
Dewey, Joanna, „The Gospel of Mark“, in Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth (ed.), Searching the Scriptures, vol. II, SCM Press, London – New York 1995, 470-509.
Dictionary article:
Burkitt, Francis Crawford, „Text and Versions“, EB 4 (1903) 4977-5031.
Ancient and medieval texts:
Augustinus, In Ev. Io. Tract. VI, 1.
Works of Thomas Aquinas:
Thomas Aquinas, Super Sent., lib. 1 d. 8 q. 1 a. 1 ad 4. (abbreviations:
Magisterial documents:
Unitatis redintegratio, 12.
Internet documents:
* * *, „New Testament“, Encyclopædia Britannica Online, Encyclopædia Britannica Inc. 2012, <>
(retrieved 19.12.2016)
Further citations
Full bibliographic information will be provided for the first citation only. Further citations will include last name of the author(s), first relevant words of the title, and page(s) numbers, as in the following examples:
Plater, A Grammar, 11-12.
Journal articles:
Gilson, „Pourquoi saint Thomas“, 54.
Dictionary article:
Burkitt „Text and Versions“, 4978.
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